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One of sustainability's biggest paradoxes is the cities of Europe that energise me as a tourist seem so civilised but history shows Europe hosted 2 world wars and Putins Euro of 2022 may be no safer than Stalin's or Hitler's 1920's E. At we wonder if you could time machine to one year in E-history what year would you choose and what report for humanity would you search for? WHAT GOOD CAN PEOPLES UNITE IF THEY HAVE FIRST ACCESS TO 100 TIMES MORE TECH PER DECADE? Back in 1951 my father found this biggest scoop of his life at It was given to him by Hungarian-American John Von Neumann at Princeton
2006: In dads last 2 years age 84 he hosted a 40 person debate at Royal Automobile Club, a few minutes walk from the Royal Palaces - if the greatest human development advance of his lifetime since meeting Von Neumann was networked by a 1billiongirls (Asian Village mothers 2020-1970) - did anyone in the west or at The UN really know how they did this? 16 journeys to Bangladesh by Graduate Journalists has chalked up 2 resources & where both women empowerment luminaries requested we open learning networkers interpret C for Cooperation (not C for Certification) . We enjoyed more than a little help from many people such as Japan's Ambassador. As Diarists out of St James and alumni of Brother James Wilson have recorded: The UK Royal family left most of the human development of two thirds of beings in Asia to Prince Charles. As a 16 year old he had been assigned the duty to attend the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. 3 happy-good natured seeds were planted from that day on - good relations between Japan Empire and some of Europe's Royals; Sony as Japan's first inward investment in Europe; the birth of whether worldwide sports celebrities are tele2's blessing or a curse as next generations greatest heroines (Tokyo was the first satellite broadcast to a global audience). What if it turns out that in the 21st C European royals value sustainability of millennials more than soundbitimg politicians or professional bureaucrats whose Intel rules have no mathematical or human transparency. This strangely unpopular question is the purpose of events diaries by and education's 3ed co-creative revolution - thanks Glasgow University Union for marking up one of 2023's main QOH events 265th Smithian Moral Sentiments . If you have an event for our diaries to cooperate around please mail me It may be that us far north diaspora scots are more interdependent on you all Europeans than anyone apart from whomever angry nature or angry purtins hurt next??. Sample some Future History Good/bad News Reports? ...1955 report what was Messina (birthing EU) for? 1945 report what was british language world service for?; 2022-1945 what was UN & ITU for; dad. The economist's norman macrae, spent his last days as teen navigating air planes bomber command burma; he tried his best at reparation ever since- wind assisted, so to speak, by the most valuable question media men were ever given - von neumann 1951 asked dad: to ask anyone/everyone what goods will peoples do with 100 times more uniting tech every decade to 2020s? In 1951, VN had 6 years left working on good (ie way above zero sum human development exchages) after the Goats of maths (including einstein turing ..) had spent moist of their life on the bad on nuclear arms racing. They had a reason to defeat hitler. I am no genius (just a listener who ,oves transparent maps/maths) ---but can anyone tell me why are we currently using nuclear races to defaeal all 8 billion of our beings. MUCH MORE IMPORTANT FROM 9/9/2022: if you have time to add positive thinking to our survey - please do

Wednesday, June 7, 2023 and (in association with and EL) say please try to find a happy summer (make peace with those closest to you) 2023 (eg we alumni of corppus christi cambridge welcome those who want to get ready for the most revolutionary college year since the start of colleges so that any student is free to help the UN's Glbal Futures Firum september 2024; when i was at corpus the workd was still buzzing with maps of dna that were sketched at the ,local pub "Eagle"; today if any teacher or stident isnt buzzing around the open sourcing of nature's 200000 proteins - well its lack og seeing where the good ai is that will cause extinction - after all ai is what human code ; so if the 20000 proteins database isnt diucsussed as main agenda from next cop on then the clouds of ingorance from the very top of your lands are lietrally beyiond human bearability

 Thank goodness for the KINGS of NUJ (Netherlands UK Japan); they care expoemtually far m(o)ore about goodiwll (abover zero-sum trade multi;iers ) of regeneration for all their peopels sustainability than the arrogant norderised short-term mind-shallow over-adevrtised bureaucrats atop brussel sprouts-the stink of the decaying agri policy is unbearable to 90% of human souls- and when it comes to machien energy, wasn't it 3rd grade future history designb not to be depenednet on russdian energy; basically all 3 world wars have been spun out of the the same north-south mess due to complex access to shipping north of suez canal and south or=f arctic circle; be it world war 1 autria-humgary colonising pathway to med sea; world war 2 god knows why the wjole world took 2 sides round serbia versus autria and by 1918 divided up losers teriitores in ways that hgave peopels on thos eands no chnace with our war 2; if euripeans cant even learn from disdmal ways histirical communications and laws have nothing to do wuith future productuvity and sustainability- what the heell was the point of tehre being a matyre old world;

by the way mly was the only journalist at messina birth of eu and teh origanl conceot was in line with Architect Intelligence maps started with NET (Neumann Einstein Turing) 151 when dad was secodned by teh Economist in 1851 dfor a yera to UNYPrince- shame on every eu mandarin who has no traparent map of human intellects compounnd needs to advance humanity not blah blah blah

 certainly was if you had read even on of interdecade review of von enumannalumni - for how unlily arhitects of intel can copperativel save 8 billion beongs please start here

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